Interview with Artist
For the project I interviewed an artist who combines image with poetry.
Thank you for your time Modroom by doing an interview for my school project.
Artist: Modroom
Biography: (where you went to artschool more if you like)
I started a Photography course at barking College about 5 years after leaving school, but left that after a term to take a Foundation Art course at Canterbury Art College the next year. Ian Dury went there years before me! It's called Kent College Of Something Or Other now. After that I went to Bradford College and did a Degree in Art, David Hockney went there years before me!.. where I ended up specializing in video. Also did an M.A. at Bradford in Printmaking where I got a Post Graduate Diploma because I messed up the thesis.
Website: Gohatgo -
Q: How did you get started in the illustration/literature field?
A: Only entered this field recently when I started blogging last year. Before that, beginning at Canterbury Art College, I would write snippets of lyrics from songs I'd be listening to whilst inside my sketchbook.. usually obscure lyrics and sounds such as B Side of 'Remain In Light' by Talking Heads, early Roxy Music albums and the like. Later would start putting odd phrases of my own or bits from novels by the likes of JD Salinger, Kurt Vonnegut, Vladimir Nabokov and so on. I did'nt start rhyming until I started blogging.
Q: How did you find your style? Has it changed since you started?
A: Style has changed since started drawing when a kid, made a conscious effort to change a few years ago, and continues to change. I tend not to look at other work too much and see what pops into my head and rolls down my arm to my hand.
Q: Why do you mix literature with visual art?
A: I've always loved words, especially those that tilt the usual perspective on things, either in songs or novels. Putting them to pictures can create another dimension to the art.
Q: What is your creation process?
A: I draw first then make words. This can be tricky sometimes, but sometimes it creates a meaning that was'nt there. Am trying to go words first occasionally, but as yet they seem to wait for the pictures. I tend to start drawing without knowing what it is I'm going to draw, which is not always easy, and let things develope as I go along. Often I return to unfinished drawings and find they suggest something when I get back to them. I need to develope a more reliable way as well as this one though, and interpreting themes for Illustration Friday is good for fixing my head onto a subject. Working with music is a good way of finding a space to create too.
Q: What is the best part about what you do?
A: Finishing something! Also when an idea finally comes together on the page.
Q: Any advice for young artists experimenting with drawings and poetry or pursuing creative goals?
A: Develope some skill with hand/ eye co-ordination, I used to like drawing from life and copying classic paintings etc. Find your mood-space that gets the mind moving, then try to change what is accepted as the norm and put something of yourself into it. Don't forget your audience, I try not to lose them. Experiment with different media and expand. Don't be afraid to let go of something if you feel it is'nt working. Be an individual. Keep healthy, drink plenty of liquids and try to be nice to people and animals and plants. I remember the first ever school homework I got, we were given a copied list of the alphabet and numbers in handwriting and were asked to trace over the lines. I thought everyone's will look the same, so I deliberately drew along the sides of the lines, this created I nice double-vision effect. No-one said anything.
Thank you,Cheruboy
Thank you.Modroom
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